
I have mentored both graduate and undergraduate student research in both theory and data driven projects, for a full list of students please see my CV.

Here you can find the final symposium presentations of the undergraudate students I have mentored through the Carnegie Astrophysics Summer Student Internship Program (CASSI). This summer internship program is designed to increase participation and retention of under-represented groups in astronomy. With CASSI we help our students to learn and get excited about an astronomy research with the goal of presenting their projects at AAS the winter after their experience.

Desiree Harvell

Desiree Harvell

Desiree worked on a theory driven project during summer 2022. Her aim was to run radiative transport simulations of strupped envelope starts to see if it was possible to hide the presance of helium in a Type Ib/c supernova. Continue reading Desiree Harvell

Hayden Campos

Hayden Campos

Hayden worked on a data driven project during summer 2021. His aim was to identify which Type Ia supernovae in the Carnegie Supernova sample show signs of carbon Absorption features which would indicate they arise from the explosion of a Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf. Continue reading Hayden Campos

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